Angela Wybrow Poems

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Long Lost Daughter

This poem was inspired by a storyline on the TV show 'Casualty', when Colette's long lost daughter found her.

My Mum came to see me at work,
Asking to speak to me urgently.

A Personal Plea

To the two elderly ladies sitting in Row A:
Please could you not chat together during the play.
If having a chat is what you really want to do,
Then please wait until the interval half way through.

Tv Memories

There was ‘Rainbow' featuring Zippy, George and Bungle,
And quiz show, ‘On Safari', which was set in the jungle.
There was ‘Mr Benn' in his black suit and bowler hat,
And ‘Postman Pat', along with Jess, his beloved cat.

Blackberry Picking

I have fond memories of going blackberrying
On Sundays, with my Dad, when I was a child.
Situated on the very outskirts of our little town,
The lane was long and winding, lonely and wild.

Me And My Shadow

Sometimes, my shadow appears really short and small;
Whilst, at others, it stretches ahead of me, thin and tall.
Sometimes, my shadow is behind me; sometimes it’s in front.
Quite often, for my shadow, I find myself having to hunt.

Hedgehogs In The Garden

I went outside to retrieve the washing one night;
It was dark, apart from a glimmer of moonlight.
Suddenly, I was aware of a very strange sound.
Feeling rather worried, I began to look around.

When The Clocks Go Back

I dread the day, when the clocks go back;
Of daylight hours, there’s now a real lack.
I wish that, like some animals, we could hibernate,
As winter is a time of year, which I don’t highly rate.

The Garden Party

The bright sun is shining down
On the party guests milling around.
Everyone has gathered on the stripy green lawn,
Which, by the gardener, has recently been shorn.


He appears to be just a regular guy,
But Merlin, he is not like you or I.
His main duty is to serve the King,
And for him, he would do anything.

Summer At The Beach

It is late morning and I arrive at the beach,
Which is alive with so many sights, sounds and smells.
The sound of the rhythmic waves can be heard,
As can the sound of children's excited whoops and yells.

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