Anjolaoluwa Taiwo

Anjolaoluwa Taiwo Poems

Our past doesn't seem to matter,
It's gone,
That I know,
Yet I wonder how it all happened,

Growing is learning.
It is adapting to the feeling of loss and pain,
It is finding peace and contentment in things once overlooked,
Acknowledging the sadness in some old things,

The Best Poem Of Anjolaoluwa Taiwo

Our Past

Our past doesn't seem to matter,
It's gone,
That I know,
Yet I wonder how it all happened,
'twas yesterday while checking my phone's gallery, I saw your picture,
My hands didn't know whether to press delete button or not?
After all, the past should stay in the past.

Our past is gone now, I'm certain,
'Cos if you're still here, I would have called you about nothing,
And we would have talked for ages about everything,
Realising now how lonely things can actually get,
It was never this definitive before.

Our past is in the past,
Yet everyone's tiptoeing around me,
Not talking fully and trying to spare my feelings,
I remember how we were, the 'IT' couple, they called us, but now it's different,
Our past was as beautiful as painful,
But that's all it's meant to be,
Our past.
© maryann_t

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