Ana Maria Alma Delafuente Poems

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A Mother's Heart, We Are One | A Poem

My bright, shining star

In the midst of a long, dark night on Earth,
I bow in deep gratitude before you,

Doors | Proverbial Prose

A Dream Realized | Early Poems

Our love lives where clouds form.
When snow falls from sky to earth,
It melts and journeys down the mountain as water.
It joins the river and runs for many miles.

Don't Go | Early Poems

Come to me my self
Come to me my friend
Let us walk together
Through hidden forest path

Early Church Fathers | A Proverb

Ogunquit Sky: A Memory Of Maine | Early Poems

A road that I once traveled
took me by the sea.

Honest Pursuit Of Truth | Proverbial Prose

If you filter new information through a colored lens or avoid attaining specific knowledge because it might challenge or disprove your current beliefs, then your pursuit of truth is not genuine.

To honestly pursue knowledge of truth, you must set aside presuppositions and follow truth wherever it leads—even if it means going down rabbit holes you never knew existed.

Give Children The World | Wisdom Prose

After love and a happy home,
The most important things parents can give their children

Are to teach them

Inward Journey | Philosophical Prose

I found the answers
inside of me.

Do not be afraid

Escape To Dreams | Poems From My Youth

In my dreams I can see;
I can see so far away.
I wish I knew who I might be
Long from now when I will say:

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