Annabelle Cochran Poems

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Faith Is

Seeing things that are out of sight
Trusting God to work it out right. Reaching out to the unknown
Believing all the promises God has shown. Refusing to be discouraged and trust God's guiding hand.
In His loving way He will fully understand. Casting on Him your every care

I Pray For. . .

Patience to wait upon the Lord.
His strength will be my sure reward. Faith that God's power will work in my life.
Relieving me of trouble, worry, and strife. Knowledge to go in the right direction.
Look to God for His protection. Wisdom to understand and the will to obey.

Happy Fall To One And All

The leaves are turning yellow, red, orange, and brown.
How pretty they are fluttering to the ground! The golden pumpkins are in the field.
Farmers are happy for such a good yield. The corn has turned all yellow and brown.
The apple trees with fruit are bending down. Squirrels are scampering in the trees and on the ground.

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