anne writer

anne writer Poems

Some people find life as a hidden mistake
for there is many things that they cannot make
chances came but it always breaks
from their youth until maybe forever


we all began with this simple word
where all we learn to be hurt but still hold
no matter how long it will bring us in cold
it is still the reason why we live in this world

The Best Poem Of anne writer


Some people find life as a hidden mistake
for there is many things that they cannot make
chances came but it always breaks
from their youth until maybe forever
every morning reminds all of their heartaches.

It seems like they are inside of a bottle
where their destiny is too hard to handle
how they wanted to overcome those struggles
and how they wanted to interact with other
but their incapable is still there to bother.

Maybe other they can't understand why
being different already marked in their mind
even in simple things they are scared to try
they know in themselves they also want to lie
in moments they have nothing to do but cry.

But their little hope will always be there
though every time they ask it never answered
when they need to pray someone listen up there
that sometime that bottle eventually be broken
and finally escape from their own jail.....

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