
anonymous Poems

My mind is an interesting place
Color filled and quickly paced.
Covered in water and dying leaves;
It's warm, like summer, and smells like pine trees.

The Best Poem Of anonymous

Mindful Waters

My mind is an interesting place
Color filled and quickly paced.
Covered in water and dying leaves;
It's warm, like summer, and smells like pine trees.

The scenery changes from day to day
Sometimes green, and others grey.
It's covered with forests watered by rain
and small little animals that come out to play.

Sometimes the skies cry and moan-
Scaring away living things - as it is prone.
My mind becomes shaky - hiding my joy
Then come the beasts - my utopia destroyed

My mind smells like death
Rancid with every breath.
It fills my entire being.
My inner self is fleeing.

I become consumed with the water in my head.
My thoughts are flooded and filled with dread.
My mind is not my own
days go by, and nothing more has grown.

Weeks go by before the water recedes.
Finally, finally, I can breathe.
Coughing and choking, I come up for air.
I can feel the wind in my sea swept hair.

Ground appears under my feet.
New life - it's bittersweet.
Flowers and trees begin to surround me
Bringing back my inner peace.

It happens like clockwork
Life and then death.
I think I'm immortal
hope with every breath.

My mind is like an ocean
Rippling and waving in constant motion.
It's Beautiful and frail
and also a wet, watery jail.

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