anonymous one

anonymous one Poems

Im sorry that i love you
Im sorry that i care
Im sorry that im here for you
Im sorry that you dont feel the same

A tear builds up
in the eyes of a broken heart
about to fall
right from the start

i stand alone
trying to breathe
i walk out
and start to leave

Here i am
life at last
thought it would be better
then what happend in the past

I love you with all my heart
you make me, me
i loved you right from the start
im always going to love thee

I sit right here
with nothing to fear
noone to hold
my heart broken and cold

This heart beats,
only cause of you

This heart beats,

we kissed
and you want to forget it
it felt so good
i just dont get it

take this glass
and hold it to your chest
this is my heart
in you, forever it will rest

In this grave
in this sweet coffin
feeling so pale
and alone

There was this seed
Who didnt know how to grow
Didnt know how to feed
It just wanted you to know

some people say love doesnt exist
some people say its not true
some people say its just fantasy
but if its not real, what is this that i feel for you

why do i love you like i do
is it because your beautiful
or is it because its true
my love is meaningfull

you make me smile
you make me laugh
you make me happy
you make me sad


I miss your beautiful smile
i miss the sound of your voice
i miss your warm caring touch
and the hugs that meant so much

the pain i feel
is to much to bare
the love i have for you
i wish you could feel too

its my birthday
but they dont care
they just sit there
smile and stare

You try
You cry
You bleed
You scream

to see your face
smile at me
my hearts in a race
a yes will make me free

to be in love with you forever
my endeavor
to be with you
forever and true

anonymous one Biography

Just your average teenager)

The Best Poem Of anonymous one

Im So Sorry

Im sorry that i love you
Im sorry that i care
Im sorry that im here for you
Im sorry that you dont feel the same
Im sorry that were only friends
Im sorry that i fell in love
Im sorry that it was with you
Im sorry that my hearts broken
Im sorry that its cold
Im sorry that its your fault
Im sorry that i made you cry
Im sorry that im not here right now
Im sorry that im not alive
Im so sorry

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