My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me, we all have such moments, all seems hopeless. There is nothing, still we go on, we find a way. If we have done works of the soul, if we have moments before the cross where we where true to our core, those muster seeds will carry our depths, our soul, our life to a new life here or to new lands, to new hope, to more noble fulfilling desires to better more refined worlds to come.
Narcissism is the new normal. It is Now considered a sign of strength, of virtue
Like in Roman times, generosity is considered a pathology, A weakness.
Life is alive. We encounter more of it as we go on. Sometimes in unexpected directions. As we go we encounter our self, more of life, sometimes directly, sometimes with others who do not know the extent of their presence and meaning.
We are not bound by the collective deeds of our parents nor the collective sum of our genes, how we face death how we face life, over and over this single time says all.
The Irish side of her could drink drink, hold her liquor.
She would stand a maintain her poise
Every culture tries to control, manipulate, shame, dominate the other culture, the dominate cultures today where the so called inferior cultures of the past, the so called inferiors to day where the dominate cultures of the past in many or most cases
You help others when you face your pain. You get by the storm when you except and deal with its force.
I think it is ironic that many of the leaders in technology were adopted. Every one raves about how Steve Jobs put so much style into the apple; he turned his computers into an esthetic work of art, as well as into a fluid experience of joy; thus transforming both dimensions, making the out side experience as beautiful and wonderful as the inside, from a machine that was thoroughly repulsive to the vast majority prior to Steve Jobs. As people we wish the outside of our life was as beautiful, cooperative, exciting and rewarding as how we imagine it, as how we experience it on the inside as well as in moments from our depths.
We wish our inside could be understood by our loved ones. We wish to understand others seemingly incomprehensible emotional states. This is never more real than in infancy, as children, and later as teenagers. What Steve Jobs did was pure alchemy, on one level he was trying to bridge the gap from the lost part of himself, to make himself as attractive as possible to his miss attuned parents so that they would take an real interest in him. He attempted to decode what seemed to a child his parent's senseless emotional algorithm of being emotionally unavailable into something comprehensible. He also made something very distant assessable, complex codes to be memorized with great labor into a mouse and images, where one simply points and clicks.
One god cares for you, the other is so great he could careless.
One god cares for you, the other is so great he could careless, so very great he does not have time to care so he so artfully pretends to care. If you see he is a fake he will destroy you.
At times, in the morning, I have to break through a strange gravity of my past.
I did not create this gravity of my childhood, for this world and the next I am making a new gravity.
unified field theory
They say I did not reach my destination, that I was wrong, still I went on, our intent, our wisdom, folly, determination, steadfastness, passion are parts of our soul. You should see my discoveries in the other worlds I was born into, worlds far grander, more interesting in endless positive ways than the one you are in now.
My God, My God, Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me
My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me, we all have such moments, all seems hopeless. There is nothing, still we go on, we find a way. If we have done works of the soul, if we have moments before the cross where we where true to our core, those muster seeds will carry our depths, our soul, our life to a new life here or to new lands, to new hope, to more noble fulfilling desires to better more refined worlds to come.
Mental health issues. The results of a spirit trying to establish itself into a physical and emotionally abusive, resistant and toxic Material order where individuals are indifferent to the suffering of children.
Did you ever notice that what your really feel deep and sense down inside of you, is more real, is more powerful than your history, tendencies, ways and limitations, and when you fully aligned yourself with this and fully commit to your truth, the God within you, and the active God which this universe is part of manifests unseen power and beauty of you that you always into your life.
You reach a point where you intentionally stop eating and believing that you are getting real nutrition from poisonous roots. (Metaphorically) . Or the roots pretended to be there for you but really were not, for what ever reasons, they were preoccupied with their own internal turmoil.This is difficult if you came from a place where the roots were there for you and good for you on some levels but underminding and undoing you on others. When you reach a point where you have the discernment to really tell the difference, ven far beyond cultural and social perception, where your need for self fulfillment outstrips all of them, regardless of how intense or alluring or seductively they present themselves or they make themselves. Copyright © 2015 Anthony Cavuoti All Rights Reserved
SO-CALLED ATTENTION DEFICIT DISORDER the results of how Little Attention, real attention you give your children. The brain does not lie it's the map of your attitude towards your child. Children always reflect their parents attitudes towards them.. weather its conscious or not admit it and not accepted or it not. Genetics code is analogous to a phonebook you could have a phone book of your city and still not know it. Have to experience every street every person every relationship....... Drug companies make money from genetics not from the truth and not from our experience, not from our wisdom and courage to face the truth.
All of the information recorded about the universe since man's inception is false. So what ever is and was documented about you is completely false. it tells more about the jealous deceivers. Once you realize that most of you is out of time, you're all right. Don't take the deceptive game here too serious.
When we hold onto Something real it doesn't bend time and reality it is time and reality. It is more courage, faith, positive thinking, good attitude and confidence It is a spirit of giving To life in a unique way that you decide. Copyright © 2015 Anthony Cavuoti All Rights Reserved
Just Because I move the dial does not mean I don't love the song or the radio station. it takes time It takes a long discussion in time before you commit to one station.
What if your awareness was more sensitive and your brain development reflected this. As well as your entire way of perceiving and reacting to the world. What if you were first born a chrysalis instead of a inchworm. In a state of evolution where most are inch worms in very very few become butterflies. In the culture of the inchworm you would appear to be quite insufficient. The demands of your environment will force you to come out of your chrysalis. In many ways you would still be an inchworm but you will still have unformed appendages that are the precursors to being a butterfly which would simply be a hindrance in your struggle to adapt and compete and being an inchworm. Intuitively you know that parts of you will be lost if you succeed and by your very success you would have failed so how do you adopt to and be part of the transformation which you inherently are. How do you potentiate yourself in a environment that sees your strengths as a deficiency or some sort of character fault. Hence the struggles and the Paradox of being dyslexic. I wish to provide a dynamic Matrix of a chrysalis in our culture so dyslexics could flourish. Many wise people will appreciate the dyslexic, they will see their unique attributes, orientation and perceptions as part of a greater phenomenon that enriches are human conditions in ways that cannot be predicted. At present our survival depends on embracing diversity so we could change our destructive course while maintaining our vital functions. This hyperbole does speak to the heart of the matter for it shows the almost disparaging task dyslexic face in fulfilling their potentials and in being true to themselves. For they have many diverse and wide intellectual and creative powers but the established system that systematically weeds them out, and this happens in such an matter of fact and overwhelming way whereby they believe that they are failures. I could honestly speak to how untrue this is. opyright © 2016 Anthony Cavuoti All Rights Reserved
There is an inner spark of humanity within all of us that is invincible that will continue regardless. Let us reclaim our humanity once more. We need the courage to face and to challenge the regressive trend that are exponentially leading us away from perfecting our human powers and manipulating us in mistaking passively being entertained as a substitute for life. Copyright © 2019 Anthony Cavuoti, MA All Rights Reserved
One of God's endless reflections is infinite creation with an unlimited expanding range of experiences within creation, perfecting personal caring, that is love being one of them in your human life on earth in this universe.' Copyright © 2014 Anthony Cavuoti, MA, LMFT All Rights Reserved
You no longer have faith in an existence past your physical life, though you pretend you do and you pretend that you are not pretending. By the way there is, though it is nothing that you can comprehend while you are in the three dimensional restrictions of your corporeal embodyment. Copyright © 2019 Anthony Cavuoti, MA, LMFT All Rights Reserved
Some government agencies are similar to what street cleaner trucks really do, only mess things up the more they work and have another government agency fine you harshly when you make a mistake.
Supportive understanding with emotional attunement, releases dormant forces, that allows you to more fully develop your own tools and confidence to feel your Family of origin emotional blockages, heal without being overwhelmed so as to process through, to Liberate you from the restraints of family issues, and to actualize the positive tendencies of your own innate potential's.
Be there for your child emotionally so he could be there for himself, she can understand herself more and the world as it is without distortions, matter fact maybe even a filter, instead of all the emotional distortions and unnecessary tensions that constantly perpetuating battles to maintain equilibrium.
Permission to find your voice, clear your perception, find your destiny, untangle yourself from emotional immaturity's that you internalize from your early environment that were not able to adequately reflect your transcendent resources.