Ant Dam

Ant Dam Poems

Ripped apart by imperial dreams.
Innocent cry as artillary screams.

World leaders lead from far and few.

As the sun settled into a night's dream, its light dimmed into peaceful somber.
Its light and colors transformed and disappeared into the evening sky of the past.

In daylight, his warmth was felt and loved by all he met, even when shade and cloud would test his mood in bursts of shadow and darkness, his light prevailed.

Left they woke from a slumber of dreams offensive, no word safe from politically correct.

These heroes of marches and 1 hour hunger strike a tone of a genderation of victims, scarred all but by a war of offensive dictionary.

Don't cry, little one.
No bombs will harm you.
Keep your eyes closed.
Close your eyes, everyone, as the bombs fall and destroy our homes.

The Best Poem Of Ant Dam


Ripped apart by imperial dreams.
Innocent cry as artillary screams.

World leaders lead from far and few.
They shout they scream and sanction too.
But no bear runs from noise alone and calves its meal of land and bones.

Now bears themselves are dangerous beasts, but 5 golden stars rise red in the east.
The dragon roars and sets its sight on a future island feast.

World leaders lead from far and few and dragons learnt what bears were allowed to do.
The world stood by and shook their head
And let the bear eat till thousands were dead.

A war to come and more to die for old mens dreams of days gone by.

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Ant Dam Quotes

One is not judged by a single moment, a single thought or action, but judged by a lifetime of experiences.

Even when you think you are alone, it sometimes requires you to step back to see you are still surrounded by God's light.

No matter how dark it seems Light always finds its way, even via the smallest of cracks.

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