Aparna Siddamurthy

Aparna Siddamurthy Poems


No one is infallible,
As man by nature is incorrigible.
A puzzle with no single solution,
the journey of this life is just a delusion!


Coz of a faith so blind,
without even a thought in mind,
I overlooked it for real,
thinking its just a trial!


Stilled is the time,
as your presence graces mine.
But stretched it seems,
as the dark and light teams!


A luminescence arrived one fine day,
followed by a candy three years later.
Only to be hidden on a sky shelf,
and hidden for three decades of dark,

The Best Poem Of Aparna Siddamurthy


No one is infallible,
As man by nature is incorrigible.
A puzzle with no single solution,
the journey of this life is just a delusion!

When it has to end it will,
but there is never a single straight road until.
Numerous are the choices to name,
Wonder then, what is it that can hold us in the same? !

Belief, faith and trust to name a few,
If only you have the love to give.
But whom can we put to blame,
when life in itself is a game! !

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