Arapunachukwu Peter

Arapunachukwu Peter Poems

He was alone in the house.
His idle mind was there too
enter the street, and make a living.
His mind encourage him

He strode into the room nothing was left but truth
The issue was rough
The insanity was enough
to take a life to death


She enjoy the thrill of the wines
The dancing and dangling smiles on every face her eyes sees
The hahahaha the kakaka is filled with cares
Just as cloth of different designers greed her eyes

It was on Sunday night
When heaven and earth wear no different
God at first time looks out
To see his image scatter all over the earth

When praying twice
Do you really want God to hear at once?
Do you remind him about the first
Or you want to make him answer fast

I have taught you
Love of a mother is not as beautiful as God love
I have taught you
Keeping quiet is not humility and intelligence


A day after the war.
Every land was spread with rumours,
With loud silence and shattering of irons,
That refuses to die for war,

When I was alive
I thought I was dead
The pain is much hard than been alive
Is like being a labourer in Africa

I am just writing.
I know you know me
From the very starting point I was conceived
I can tell it all just by your look

In Africa where I live
That look like Nigeria
We are patching
Too many fears

Sometimes I wonder,
If I was foetus of a woman
If I spent exactly seven or nine months in a woman's womb,
Did I even came out from a woman's vagina?

Everyone new we are friends
Nobody possibly believes our casual friend
Because they see love in our eyes
As we thrill the road with laughs

I know you know knowledge
That you have pass through ages
Over coming many experiences and stories
You that impact knowledge to studies

I never knew a day will come
When I will be pening a good bye
I know about it but I don't know it's standing by
I'm not doing this by myself either

The Best Poem Of Arapunachukwu Peter

Idle Mind

He was alone in the house.
His idle mind was there too
enter the street, and make a living.
His mind encourage him
He stood up and open the room.
He found the house keeper is away
And the house is left alone
Now he is free to steal the room
He took up a bag with him
And he scale through the room to flee
At that moment comes a shout and jeer
And they started calling him a thief
He burrowed for words to fight their proves
Swearing with God and earth
As a gentleman of the street
Jungle justice justifies his pleas
lay him on the pool of his blood
And they pour him a cold fire
Before police show their face
death has taken his place
As devil's workshop.

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