arnold berube

arnold berube Poems

I was trying to find a poem...
to sum up my sorrow at the things i have done,
but its not possible, ... there simply isnt one
I hurt you to the core, these hands did the job

The Best Poem Of arnold berube

Don't Leave

I was trying to find a poem...
to sum up my sorrow at the things i have done,
but its not possible, ... there simply isnt one
I hurt you to the core, these hands did the job
your trust and feelings i broke...*sob*
there is nothing i can do, to rescind what ive done
i might have well as put it to my head, a loaded gun
you were mine again, after i hurt you last
and everything that was, you threw in the trash
the heart you drew, so beautifully for me
now lays crumpled, and i never got to see
before i hurt you, everything was true
the kids the house, and mostly about you
i love you with every bone, every muscle every part
every part of me that ripped us apart
i cant write words, they dont exist
to tell you my pain, that you will be missed.
that I never gave you, the love you deserve
that i wrecked everything, with barley a swerve
that i didnt ask, what was really wrong
and just assumed the worst... all along..
i could keep going, day in and day out
writing for you, i know no other route
i would grow old, weary and tired
and still i would write, justly inspired
by your beauty grace and heart, theres nothing i wouldnt do
to bring you back to me, all of this is true!
i did this, ... it was me
to break everything, i couldnt see
how could i not know? , the
incredible fee
as I layed the words to page, without even a thought
that as i wrote them, all would become naught
if i could go back, i would try again
to lay them more softly, and this time with a pen
i would write for you, a happier song
about how for you, and you alone, i long
i would leave out the part, where i called you a name
and replace it instead, as nothing with shame
please come back, i cant live without
i gave you my heart, then seeded it with doubt
i can do nothing but give you my word,
but beliving in that, would be entirley absurd
what i can tell you, with honestly no doubt
is i love you katie, that is a given day in and day out.
my love will never fade, i will never leave
i will do my best, to make you believe.

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