Will you wear your wrinkles
with peace and pride because
they grew in our fairytale.
We knew when we felt
The moment I melt into her I get a glimpse
of every greatness possible for one.
Our lips locked suck and bite, our breath knows
The first love is ‘me’.
Me looks at ‘me’ with infinite patience.
Naked and alone.
To use every fibre of my being
To think, to see, to work, to create
To be so in love with the moment.
To be in the peak of effort.
Dear Wife
Will you wear your wrinkles
with peace and pride because
they grew in our fairytale.
We knew when we felt
the first pangs of yearning
that if our story is not
as beautiful as a fairytale
- it’s not a love story at all.
Will you come to fill
my lungs with your breath
to keep my fire burning.
Will you let me see precious
stories in your embrace.
Will we create some time
everyday to sit face to face
just to see at each other
and use no words.
Will you be my earth my soil
to grow into uncountable colours.
Will you be my sky
forever present inside of me
Light as the air bright as the Sun.
Will you dare to leave me
in the middle of the night
when you see the need
to write more of this
unending poem.