Arthur Vaso

Arthur Vaso Poems

I sit at the table
An old man, an old table
The candle is old
The bread is moldy

There are no words
Where the hunter lays

There are no words

As I drove to work one day
In amazement a pink elephant crossed my way
I was shocked to see her in the middle of town
With bright purple spots and wandering around

Pains me
pretty leaves
regrettable memories
wilted golden pathways

The most broken of things
becomes art

if you become lonely

Chained in memories
wrists too weak
to untie my mind
the smell of slaughter

Arthur Vaso Biography

Poet, writer from Montreal Canada

The Best Poem Of Arthur Vaso

The Old Man And The Table

I sit at the table
An old man, an old table
The candle is old
The bread is moldy
The air is dry
The coffin rusty
I cough, dust flies
The budgie chokes and dies

I sit at the table
An old man, an old table
Wrinkled face and wrinkled hands
Broken empty plates planning their attack
Serrated edges glaring at my throat
I must seem easy prey, and old weathered goat

I sit at the table
An old table, an old man
Staring at the unplugged fridge
Tired of life I nod off, startled
By the dancing empty pill bottles
Performing artfully in harmony
With a passing tram

I sit at the table
An old man, an old table
I stare at an old torn photo
Young lovers in spring time trance
That bastard stole my girl long ago
He was me, before,

The kitchen table became old

Arthur Vaso Comments

Arthur Vaso 11 February 2024

I was sure I was more famous. LOL

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