Ash Flame

Ash Flame Poems

Light between dark
follow the light and it becomes a spark
happiness feels all over
You remember the candies caught over

Black is a word,
If you were in a car
it would make you swerve
Thoughts going through your head

The Best Poem Of Ash Flame

Light And Happiness

Light between dark
follow the light and it becomes a spark
happiness feels all over
You remember the candies caught over
Going outside with your with your friends
you're playing so much it feels like it has no end
the sun goes down it's getting late
You wanna stay outside but your hungry and mom has prepared a juicy steak
You say goodbye to your companions but they still wanna play
All of ya'll go inside to eat
while you're eating you think about the next day
the day is over time to dream
You go to bed straight to sleep

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