ashad azam

ashad azam Poems

Don’t scratch, don’t please it hurts.
Alas! Her senses if work,
Talk to me, listen to me only the words I repeat
Her language if I could understand.

The Best Poem Of ashad azam

“if I Could Tell Her”

Don’t scratch, don’t please it hurts.
Alas! Her senses if work,
Talk to me, listen to me only the words I repeat
Her language if I could understand.
I want to touch and feel you.
She goes away when I try.
No no no don’t throw, but in vein.
I bleed, any thing she get smashes into me.
Her daunting expression to me still looks so pretty.
She loves pinching my cheeks
And with a tight slap too.
her devil laugh, still spread smile on my face.
Her transient expression her mind subtle,
My language, difficult for her to understand.
I love her much but can’t say,
She is mad.

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