Ashley Bradford

Ashley Bradford Poems

I sit by my window and watch as the raindrops fall
Like the sky is crying out for help
As I try to do, no one listens to me,
But the sky gets their attention

The Best Poem Of Ashley Bradford

As The Raindrops Fall

I sit by my window and watch as the raindrops fall
Like the sky is crying out for help
As I try to do, no one listens to me,
But the sky gets their attention
I am voiceless to everyone on this earth
My voice means nothing to them
I am just a person, sitting in my chair
Watching the raindrops fall

A dropp slips through the cracks of my roof
And lands on my head
I look up and notice that now my house is crying
Just like the sky and just like me
My mother will call the roofer tomorrow to get it fixed
But what about me?
Will you not call anyone to fix me?
I am voiceless in this world of tears

The ground is wet, and slowly beginning to flood
The world will watch this,
My classmates will watch where to step
But what about me?
Do you not think that to step on me will hurt?
That I won’t be like the sky and cry?
No I guess not, because you’re to busy
Watching where to step so to not get your shoes wet.

I’m back in my chair by the window
Watching as the raindrops fall
But now my wrists are crying with the sky
I won’t be noticed like the sky is,
But at least now I can finally smile
Now I’m being fixed,
And no one will step on me at school
I’ve never been so happy

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