Ashley Bucher

Ashley Bucher Poems


Like a seed we were planted,
Many years ago,
Forced to somehow grow,
In an Earth that is enchanted,

The black birds fly by,
Across the open sky,
But why?
Why do they fly?


What lies behind closed doors?
A monster lurking in the shadows?
Or a bed laden with pillows,

Life often seems like a balloons.

Some balloons fly high to the sky,

The Best Poem Of Ashley Bucher


Like a seed we were planted,
Many years ago,
Forced to somehow grow,
In an Earth that is enchanted,
Where sun my suddenly turn to snow.

Nevertheless we have grown,
From that tiny seed that was sown.
Our roots are strong,
From the winds that have blown.
The years have seemed long,
But they soon will be gone.

The road in the distance,
Is calling my name.
My eyes burn bright, like a wonderous flame.
I long to travel that road in the distance;
I dislodge my roots and am gone in an instant.

As i look back to that place,
The place i was grown,
I treasure every second,
For i must never forget where i was sown.

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