Assorted Thoughts

Assorted Thoughts Poems

Not on a hill
Far out of view
Nor drenched in tales
By Halloween dew

This odd couple
Must have been blind
When they said, “I do”
Till the end of time


At the park I passed a tree
Two lovers engraved their love to me
Upon returning some time later
A fading heart


Vietnam Vet
Wearing a purple heart
And my old sweater

Online crush
All my butterflies
Tangled on the web


At first
The light switch was flattered


This emptiness inside
Can’t be contained
I am brimming over
With nothing


Our primal emotions are love and fear
One of my biggest fears
Is love…

I confided in you
Only to find it was ammunition to be used against me at your own discretion
I trusted in you
Only to find my secrets revealed in the eyes of others

Depression takes everything
Devours it whole
Like a firestorm on a rampage
Consuming your soul

High mileage
Needs bodywork
First wife


Lost in a moment
Lost in thought
Lost in words
Whether spoken or not

January 2nd
The gym is bloated
With resolutions

All my friends
On the same page

Cell phone junkies
How we’ve evolved

Assorted Thoughts Biography

Hello everyone! I’ve decided to re-post my works under my old name, “Some Guy” These go back to January 2007 but felt the need to add them as well as some others that I deleted under my new name. I am very grateful for the positive feedback and am looking forward to spending more time reading your poems. Some of the stuff I write is just silly, random wordplay… It passes the time, lol The other is based on personal experience. I view writing as both fun and cathartic. Thank you for reading Godspeed, Andy)

The Best Poem Of Assorted Thoughts


Not on a hill
Far out of view
Nor drenched in tales
By Halloween dew
This warm house
May welcome you
As it threatens me in silence
For I am haunted too

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