Aswin A Poems

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Never Give Up

I want to speared my wings and fly,
But something is not letting me to try,
still i need to sail across the dark sky,
My actions may look like a dayfly,

Romantic Key

I am so carefree Until you open my heart
with a gladden key,
you let my creativity set free,
Now it is growing like a maple tree,

To Love

Most of them seeking you like a treasure in a treasury,
but you are trying to catch me like fish in a fishery,
you thought you can get me as easy as daunt in the pastry,
But I am trying to became a sonnet in Shakespeare history,


I was so stubborn until the moment I saw you,
You came in my way from out of the Blue,
Your smile made me stand without a clue,
You are the only book that I can't pursue,

No Time For Love

I am Spending more time with my profession than thinking about you,
There is two ocean distance between you and me,
I don't know how you feels like,
I don't have time for you either,

Hands Of Hope

A deep in a mountain a soul was stuck in a dark cave,
It is fully surrounded by a rocks and trees
That soul is curving to come out but he can't,
He started even to chant,

Clips Of My Dream

A one fine day of a spring season,
The street was crowded without a reason,
It was usual day for me till that one moment,
I felt like everyone in that street are faded,

Sadness Of Darkness

There is a small window in a small room,
I only like to see the how flowers bloom,
I don't realize I was trapped inside the gloom,
I thought the world out side the window is shallow,

Romantic Eyes

I can see the birds flying but I can't hear the sound of them, I can see the sun raising to shine but every thing around was so dark, I can see the white snow, but still i feel warm, i couldn't see the single fish even though I am standing above the ocean and then I realised I was arrested by your eyes.


A invisible bond that connects us,
Only strength I have to pull it off everything,
When ever I felt like I am dead only thing came to save me before the sole reper,
The only ship that rescued me from the middle of the mighty ocean,

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