Athena Goddess of Wisdom Lumis Light to all

Athena Goddess of Wisdom Lumis Light to all Poems

Big rat, big rat
Do not eat my millet!

Three years I have served you,


............................I am a lioness
......................Strong and fearless.

...............................I am a lion

To be born is certain death
To the dead, birth is certain

It is not right that you should sorrow

War! War! War!
Is all that people talk about.

War! War! War!

A mother’s love is so strong.
It goes beyond what is broken.
It goes beyond what was said and done.


The waves come in and go out.
Standing at the edge of the beach
I can imagine the peace that is around me.
Standing on the edge of the beach

On The Day Of The Dead
Written by Susan Cooper writer of The Dark Is Rising Sequence

On the day of the dead, when the year too dies,

Where there is sword fighting there is danger.
Where there is sword fighting there is courage.
Where there is sword fighting there is adventure.
Where there is sword fighting there is cabbage.

As the traveler,
Who has once
Been from home
Is wiser

Nature destroys Nature in storms and earthquakes
Man destroys man on the battlefield
And man destroys Nature because of the blood that they shed
Sinks, to the center of the Earth

A mother forgives
A mother forgets.
No matter
How old

Father forgive,
The hatred which divides
Nation from nation
Race from race

Faith comes,
From the heart.
Hope comes,
From the Bible.

A poet’s song
Is one of singing.

A poet’s song

God made friends
Because stories, dreams
Hugs and prayers
Are meant to be shared.

My name is Isabella
My hair is white as snow.
My eyes are red like blood.
I wonder freely in the woods.

Happiness is like a river flowing down from heven.

Happiness is like a brook that has the sound of peace.

I have so many enemies.
To many to count.

They come with spears and swards.

To have a chair
To set and think
O! what a great thing
Just to set and think

My name is Qalme-Tari
Mistress of Death.
Were I go
People will follow.

Athena Goddess of Wisdom Lumis Light to all Biography

Born in Manases, Virgina, moved to N.C at the age of two. I was plased in fostercare at the age of three and a half. I was adopted at the age of seven on December 20. It was a perfec cristmas present. I like to walk on the beach at night, looking at the stars, wathing tv, reading books of poetry and other works. I like adventure stories, mysteries, and action. I also like moves that are like The Lord of The Rings, and Harry Potter. My faverit tv shows are Smallville, Supernatural, The Nanny, Rosseane, The Vampier Dieries, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Angel, and Charmed. My Faverit anima shows are: Fulmetal Alchemist, Naruto, and Inuwasha. Please excuse my spelling.)

The Best Poem Of Athena Goddess of Wisdom Lumis Light to all

Big Rat, Big Rat

Big rat, big rat
Do not eat my millet!

Three years I have served you,
But you will not care for me.

I am going to leave you
And go to that happy land;
Happy land, happy land,
Where I will find my place.


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