Audrey Heller Poems

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In My Heart You'Ll Always Be

The fourth of November, is not only
an election day, but it also happens
to be your birthday! It's a day, when
I also feel very sad. I keep thinking

A Grain Of Salt

If only, we could take life, with a
grain of salt. Then whatever
happens, will be our fault. How
can we know, from one minute


It's your integrity and sincerity,
that are most important! Bare
in mind, people have a way
of judging you and will look for

We Take So Many Things For Granted

We take so many things for granted, it
has become, natural in whatever we do.
When you've been doing this for quite
some time, it runs away with you! When

Whatever The Reason

Well here it is, tonight is Christmas eve!
It came so awfully fast, it's quite hard to
believe! I mark each day off on my calendar
and readily I admit, it's flying by, so very fast,

We Don'T Know The Reason Why

There are times when we feel out of
sorts and we don't know the reason why!
You just feel something is missing and
you can't put your finger on it, no

The Good Things

Getting the good things in life, isn't
hard to do. But sometimes, things
can happen, when it's taken away
from you. It's times like these, you

Your Way

Remember, that changing direction
isn't the same, as accepting defeat.
It can be a good thing and a way to
get back on yor feet. Happiness is

Out Of The Blue

I wonder why some things happen.
Why, they happen out of the blue?
I search my mind, for some kind of
answers. But nothing seems to come

As We Age

As we get on in years, there are a lot
of things, we find hard to do! Your mind
tells you one thing, but your body, can't,
carry it through! These are things we must

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