Audrey Heller Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Memorial Day

Today, on Memorial Day, we honor
the soldiers, that have gone to war!
Many, never came back and the ones
that did, suffered heartache and pain,

Good Intentions

I had many things, I had planned to do,
but had to take a break, for even though,
my intentions were good, I found it was, a
big mistake! Some days, you find, it's hard

A Father And His Little Girl

Whenever I watch, this particular
commercial, it brings tears, to my
eyes! It shows this man, whose
gone on a business trip, opening

How Much Longer Must I Wait

Life, as we know, isn't always fair,
you may do everything right, but
what you want, still, isn't there! What
does it take, to make your life, more

Someday We'Ll Be Together

Here I am and there, you are!
We're in two different worlds,
that are not on par! You're in
a better place, where I'll also be

Feelings Can Ebb And Flow

Sometimes, our feelings can ebb
and flow, more often than we wish,
but that doesn't necessarily, put
you off balance, as long as you

Mans Best Friend

They say, mans best friend is his dog!
It's also true, of the opposite sex. They're
wonderful companions and nothing, about
them is complex! Asking very little, they'll

Talk It Over

It isn't good to bicker, it isn't good to
fight! It isn't good, to say nasty things
for it causes, a sleepless night! It's
better to talk things over, in a pleasant

I Feel Your Presence

I believe, you're around me, every
single day, I can feel your presence
and there's so much, I'd like to say!
First, I'd tell you, how much I miss

Family Ties

In the shadows of my mind,
you're near to me, not far,
for you have always been
closer, than you actually are!

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