Audrey Heller Poems

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There's More To Life

There are times, we lose sight of what's
really important. We're too busy filling
our lives with monetary things. But
there's more to life, then possessing

The Howling Wind

Have you ever tried to go to bed at
night, with the wind howling outside?
It can keep you from falling asleep,
all kidding aside! The more I paid

Thanksgiving Dinner

I love being invited to a Thanksgiving
dinner! The minute you arrive, the
aroma eminating from the kitchen,
hits you as soon as you walk in. It

Preparing For Christmas

I've always found it strange, before
Thanksgiving is here, they're already
preparing, for the Christmas holiday.
Wherever you go and wherever you

The Rainy Season

The clouds are rolling in, the sky is
getting black. When all of a sudden,
there's a tremendous crack! Thunder
and lightening, has just hit and I don't

Can'T Win For Losing

You'll never know, how hard I try, to
get back on a winning streak! It seems
no matter what I do, everything, turns
out bleak. I used to be very lucky.

Trying Times

It's not easy living in such trying times,
it becomes increasingly harder in every
way. All of us have begun to feel the
pressure, as we go from day, to day.

Live Each Day

Live each day, as if it's the last
day of your life, makes a lot of
sense to me! For who knows,
what the next day will bring, all

Time Heals All Wounds

Breaking up is very devastating, but
in time you'll be just as good as new.
It happens to everyone at some time
in their life, it's something we all, had

Follow Through

Follow through, with anything you
start and forge ahead, without fear!
Why wait until tomorrow, when today,
is already here? Seeing the light of

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