Audrey Heller Poems

Hit Title Date Added
First Born

It's truly is a miracle, how a life
comes to form and even a
greater miracle, when that
child is born. All those months

Our Dreams

Our Dreams, can be useful, if
analyzed. In fact, what we'd learn
about ourselves, we shouldn't be
surprised. Every dream we have,

Turn A Deaf Ear

You have to turn a deaf ear, to
crude remarks, that are made.
Just look at the source, where
it's coming from and call a spade

The Smell Of Rain In The Air

As the wind, picks up and blows through
the trees, it creates a stir, with it's forceful
breeze. Leaves, are scattered all around,
as it makes a circle, upon the ground.

When A Heart Is Broken

When a heart is broken, where
do you go, to have it repaired?
What do you do, to keep from
being scared? How, can you

Three Important Words

Get into the habit, of saying I love
you, to those you hold so dear. It's
three of the most important words,
we all want to hear. Just to know

Getting Your Message Across

Taking time, to effectively get
your message, across to others,
will surely help you move forward
and get you, where you want to be!

The Empty Nest

Due to the changing economy, life
is not what it used to be. Family ties,
are no longer the same. And it makes
you kind of wonder, who's the one to


Just before daybreak, as I lie fully
awake, many thoughts came to me.
I tried in vain to close my eyes, but
soon discovered, it wasn't to be. I

Plugging Away

Even, when things appear hopless,
keep plugging away steadily and you
will soon see, the benefits of your
highly structured, methodology.

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