Aurelio Arturo

Aurelio Arturo Poems

This green poem, leaf by leaf,
is rocked by the fertile, southwest wind;
this poem is a country that dreams,
a cloud of light and a breeze of green leaves.

Because the thirst had wounded everything,
all beings, every land of men . . .
And never again would the rain return

The night is very busy
rocking one by one,
so many leaves.
And the leaves don't fall asleep,


it happens like this
the rain
a calm counting of syllables begins
in the pretty clearings of the forest

Heads of hair and confused dreams
cover the bodies like muffled mosses
in the night, in the embroidering shade
of deep velvets and oblivion.

They were the leaves, the murmuring leaves,
the freshness, the countless glowing.
They were the green leaves - the living cell,
the imperishable instant of the landscape -
the green leaves that bring near, in their murmuring,
the sonorous distances like rigging,
the fine, the naked, oscillating leaves.

The leaves and the wind.
Leaves that waved with marine rhythm,
leaves with pure voices
speaking at the same time, and they were not
so many but a single one, palpitating
in a thousand mirrors of air, an endless
humid leaf in all the lights,
queen of the horizon, agile,
jumping little bird, pecking through all
the circles of the horizon, the sparkling circles.

The leaves, the flocks of leaves,
on the brink of the blue, on the brink of flying.

They were the leaves and the murmuring distances,
the leaves and the distances full of languages,
the distances that the wind strums as strings:
oh the stave, the stave of distances
where the leaves are notes played by the wind.

In the leaves beautiful countries and their clouds rustled.
In the leaves murmured distances of remote countries,
they rustled like rains of joyful green,
they laughed, laughed the rains of perfectly clear languages
like waters, fairies' cheerful languages, vowels of joy.

And the distances had rustles of successive fronds,
the distances heard, heard rains that tell legends,
they heard ancient rains. And the wind
carried the distances as it carries a leaf.


A woman sang, she sang
feeling herself alone in the night,
in the night, velvety valley.

And this is the song of one summer
among many beautiful summers,
when the dust rises and dances
and the sky is a blue, distant foliage.


The word surrounds us
we hear it
we touch it
its aroma surrounds us

In the balmy night, in the night,
when the leaves rise until they are the stars,
I hear the women grow in the mauve penumbra
and the falling of the shade from their lids, drop by drop.

Aurelio Arturo Biography

Aurelio Arturo Martínez (n. La Union , Nariño , 22 of February of 1906 - f. Bogota , 24 of November of 1974 ) was a Colombian poet, lawyer and magistrate court work and the military court. It has been rated many times as the best poet of Colombia in the twentieth century despite its limited work His only book, Residence South , is a collection of fourteen poems (in which is included the homonymous poem ) That embody vivid memories of their homeland.)

The Best Poem Of Aurelio Arturo


This green poem, leaf by leaf,
is rocked by the fertile, southwest wind;
this poem is a country that dreams,
a cloud of light and a breeze of green leaves.

Falls of water, stones, clouds, leaves
and an agile breath in everything, they are the song.
There were palms, palms and the breeze
and a light like swords through the atmosphere.

The loyal wind that rocks my poem,
the loyal wind that the song impels,
rocked the leaves, rocked the clouds, happily
rocking white clouds and green leaves.

I am the voice that gave songs to the wind
pure songs west of my clouds;
my heart in every palm, a broken
date tree, united the multiple horizons.

And in my country herding clouds,
I put my heart in the south, and to the north
like two rapacious birds, my eyes
pursued the flock of the horizons.

Life is beautiful, a hard hand, shy fingers
as they create the fragile vase
of your song, fill it with your joy
or with the hidden honeys of your crying.

This green poem, leaf by leaf
is rocked by a fertile wind, a slender
wind that loved the grass and skies of the south,
this poem is the country of the wind.

Under a sky of swords, dark earth,
green trees, green gibberish
of the small leaves and the tardy wind
moves the leaves and the days.

Let the wind dance and let the green distances
call me with secret, hidden rustles:
a docile woman, her breast filled with honey,
she loved under the palms of my songs.

Translation: 2004, Raúl Jaime Gaviria

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