Ayushmaan Tewari

Ayushmaan Tewari Poems

The clock is striking ten,
The television is off then,
Our bed is clean and set,
Dreams will be sweet I bet.

The Best Poem Of Ayushmaan Tewari

Night Dreams

The clock is striking ten,
The television is off then,
Our bed is clean and set,
Dreams will be sweet I bet.

Now lights are off and my mind is on,
With dozens of thoughts and talks
Which talk comes and which thought gone,
Dreams are made with such walks.

Dream I saw last night
May have some fear and fright.
Sharing dreams make my fear low,
I have works to do...let's go.

Now it's the morning with the bright sun
With my breakfast of butter and bun;
Thinking of what work to do and what not to do,
Night dreams are for night, and they aren't true.

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