Barima Basoah

Barima Basoah Poems

I wish to see you
and not just to see you
but that you will see me too.


I only felt,
I only thought,
that I had no word,
to tell a tale.

I wish, I wish, is a taboo.
If so, all deserve to be banished.
If wishes were horses,
beggars would ride.

The globe is filled with air,
breathing for life, feeling the breeze,
I tried to add fragrance to the air,
for pleasant and agreeable scent,

I don't want my eyes to see,
what I don't want to see.
A monster for beauty.

Arts make the world beautiful.
Women faces are now canvases,
being the artists and the art works themselves,
terrible at doing for self, good at doing for others,

Blood is thicker than water,
but they prefer water.
my heart is cut into pieces,
man's enemy is his own household,

Eyes blind me,
that I cannot see anymore.
Now I am as blind as a shadow.

Stuck in the muddy swamp,
heavy rain is pouring,
I only wish to swim.
Stuck in the deep of the valley,

I hear myself,
I whisper in the dark,
cry aloud to call someone near and far,
my voice fills the space and echoes back to me,

I dwell in gross darkness,
I survive without you and no other,
like cactus in the desert,
that survives without falling water.

My better half, my sweetest part,
the part that shall never part,
for my world not to fall apart,
and never will we keep a distance apart.

I want to hear you coming,
like the northern lights appearing,
with crackling sound coming from the sky,
not thunder for rain, nor rain for coldness.

Your eyes are mysterious,
that I cannot tell what you want,
from your mystical gaze,
you are quite a marvel too.

The long wondered formation of rainbow by nature,
the beautiful shape of snowflakes formed by nature,
the tricky picture of mirage played by nature,
the rare eclipses and many works of nature,

Everyone here is looking for someone,
I am also here looking for someone,
many are looking but with their eyes,
they cannot see and they cannot find.

Inside the old cathedral was a service,
filled with multitudes of many faces,
as nice as those of a child's drawings.

So you are as I am now at forty.

If life is said, begins at forty,
then we are just beginning life.

We live to die, but we fear to die,
the scary horror of a graveyard,
the gripping fear of a tomb, oh living dead!
But you went into your grave in search of life,

You are the love of my life,
I love you more than life itself,
I have no life, I am only living you,
your love is like a spell, you are a spell.

Barima Basoah Biography

I am a man who can do anything and everything but loves and only seeks to do what is right. I love life and do live it up. I am anything and everything you can think of and the opposite of whatever you think of. I am always seeking the true way to myself.)

The Best Poem Of Barima Basoah

Heart-To-Heart Talks

I wish to see you
and not just to see you
but that you will see me too.

I do see you,
Your image I see,
Even if I close my eyes.

From the many it's you that I miss
I cannot forget you,
not only about you but you.

And I don't know why
I keep knocking at your door,
still a mystery.

How long have you been knocking?
And for how long will you keep knocking?
Find the key and open to enter.

My day begins seeing you,
my sunset, brighten my day,
that I may see well.

I will water you,
to grow like a flower,
fully blooming at sunset.

You are a flower in a garden,
let me be the fence around it,
for your beauty is impeccable.

You are too rich for earth's use.
let me dig out the treasures in you,
as my only work in our entire life.

Your heart speaks, only my heart hears and understands
your heart beats and I feel it deep in me,
and that I know how you yearn for me.

Pay for the garden, and pluck the flower.
pay for the orchard, and press for fine wine.
let us adorn ourselves and drink to life.

From the collection: LOVE EXPERIENCES

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