Betty Ellerkamp

Betty Ellerkamp Poems

Looking out my kitchen window as I eat breakfast,
I get a spectacular view in spring.
Oh, to most everyone it's only the budding of
a dogwood tree. To me, as I look at it, it's the most spectacular

I miss you so much tonight!
No matter what I do, I see your face.
I've tried to keep my mind busy,
But you always invade my space. I can't eat, sleep, or even think.

The Best Poem Of Betty Ellerkamp

Breathtaking Spring!

Looking out my kitchen window as I eat breakfast,
I get a spectacular view in spring.
Oh, to most everyone it's only the budding of
a dogwood tree. To me, as I look at it, it's the most spectacular
beginning of spring,
The beautiful small pale pink buds, growing and opening
wider everyday. Usually, a beautiful baby blue background sky, gives the
buds a picture only God could paint.
And the other green trees budding make the scene
complete and quite breathtaking. The whole town brightens with new and bright yellows,
reds, pink, oranges and purples.
Small multicolored crocuses, yellow and white daffodils,
bright tulips, white dainty narcissus. Forsythia bushes going from spindly branches, to lightly
flowered, to bushes loaded with yellow blooms.
Magnolia trees all around blooming with large fragrant
smelling petals. It's so amazing what Mother Nature and God, can do with
I've admired and watched spring bloom and blossom for
seventy-five years and it's still breathtaking!

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