Bijal Gala Shah

Bijal Gala Shah Poems

I woke up to that bright light,
Opened my eyes wide for that radiant sight,
And there I Saw a full moon night;
MOON light peeping from my window - on my bed side.

Years and years the same old books,
More than decades, now with old looks,
The classrooms changes, the chairs are awkward; but we are not at all coward
What we are.. We love what we are! !

The Best Poem Of Bijal Gala Shah

The Perfect Moonlight

I woke up to that bright light,
Opened my eyes wide for that radiant sight,
And there I Saw a full moon night;
MOON light peeping from my window - on my bed side.

Thousands sunlight penetrates in afternoon as my guests,
Then with the twilight evenings and purple skies it fades;
Transforms into a spawning little canvas of nature,
With green hills and human made concrete culture.

This moonlight was illuminating and pearly,
It was soothing in its enlightening ivory.
The moon was indeed oversized than normal,
A Busy city person fails to praise this bestowal.

Unnatural limelight charms him twenty-four by seven;
And the enchanting natural moonlight is left in oblivion.
A soul like me desires this peeping blissful beauty,
It is so soothing and serene even in city so busy.

Under the moonlight, I woke up feeling like a fairy,
And saw other fairies dancing like daisies sheeny & shiny.
My soul beheld the radiance for hours;
It wasn't like I was watching mars.

Then I felt it was that Chanda Mama of my childhood,
That popped up slowly in my room and in my mood.
I jogged in my midnight sleep to recollect those tiny days of my life,
Cherishing each memory under that light.

After ages I could rejoice this beautiful scene,
Red, blue, green and all colours I have always seen.
Though Days are full of sonorous rainbows, nights are not always so dark;
It's just a matter of moon clock.

Dead silence spread out that night;
Yet I heard a whisper slight,
It was the free bird that might,
Wish to fly towards the sky for silver white light.

My dreams are like a flying Kite,
It would reach to that great height;
It stays for more time; I crave for the moonlight,
So more souls like me, could feel feather light.

I'm no more scared of nights,
Full Moon nights are my plights;
Captured in the lens of my eyes,
As most camera lens are lies,
It captures the daylight but fails the moonlight;
Ah! The perfect moonlight..!

Bijal Gala Shah Comments

Tejal Gala 29 September 2017

Good keep it up :)

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