Bijay Kant Dubey Poems

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Breaking News, Break It Not

It’s the time for the breaking news and the news breaking,
Break the news, but break not all rules and regulations,
O, you the media men,
Reporters, correspondents and journalists!

Indian English Poetry: A Historical Perspective

Had Ram Mohan Roy not talked of reforms
With William Bentick,
Had Lord Macaulay not talked of minutes
Taking out of vernaculars,

Is It Poetry? Yes, It Is Poetry

Is it poetry?
Yes, it is poetry,
Your poetry, my poetry,
The poetry of life.

What Is Indian English Poetry? (As Per Poets' Thematic Crux)

What is Indian English poetry?

Poetry if it is love for India and free discussion for Derozio, love dreams for Michael Madhusudan carried with the whiffs of an Englishman, romantic wisps and whiffs for Manmohan, yogic flashes and sadhna for Aurobindo together with the spirit of a rebel and a.cold logician having a flair for Latinized diction, the quest for identity and the theme of Indianness for Nissim, faded romanticism and mediocre flirts with it, physics and its light and darkness chapters together with the Big Bang theory for Jayanta, tragedies and tragic concepts for Daruwalla, man and woman in love in Khajuraho or Ajanta- Ellora figurines together with a study of Vatsyayana's Kamsuttra for Kamala and Shiv K.Kumar, dharma-artha-kama-moksha, a Rajneeshite shisya of the Rajneesh Ashrama, a modern girl desperate and distraught with materialism taking to the recourse of dharma-yoga, but the yogi there in the ashrama not a yogi, but a bhogi, a dhongi.

Modern Art

Modern art,
What is modern art?
Dots, circles,

Jayanta Mahapatra As An Imagist

As he is an Oriya first and foremost
Then an Indian
So is he an imagist first
Then a litterateur,

Krishna, Krishna (Krishna Music)

Krishna, Krishna,
O Krishna,
Where are you playing the flute from
And the melody breaking it

Anti-Racism Protests Must End

The matter is over,
They have erred
And for this the court is there
But why to create nuisance unnecessarily

I Write Poetry For Self-Pleasure

I write poetry for self-pleasure
And the awards cannot bind me
As write I for getting pleasure,
For aesthetic pleasure,

God, Save Me From Indian English Poets (Ii)

God, save me, save me from Indian English poets,
Indian Milton, Shakespeare, Spenser, Wyatt,
Indian Donne, Herbert, Marvell,
Indian Pope, Dryden, Johnson,

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