Bint Abdirrahmaan

Bint Abdirrahmaan Poems

The more u cover,
The more they wonder,
About what is under,
Wishing u can uncover!

The Best Poem Of Bint Abdirrahmaan


The more u cover,
The more they wonder,
About what is under,
Wishing u can uncover!
That is why they bother,
And want to oppress the one with the cover!

Their heart is full of hatred,
Because u are sacred!
They want u to follow their thread,
And wen u don.t, their eyes turn hot red!

Just open your eyes and see,
This is the real me!
What do u want from me?

Cos i don.t even take u as an enemy!
This is my religion,
The only way of salvation!
So if u cant conform,
Leave me alone with my determination!

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