There is something in the autumn that is native to my blood—
Touch of manner, hint of mood;
And my heart is like a rhyme,
Wind of the dead men's feet,
Blow down the empty street
Of this old city by the sea
With news for me!
OVER the rim of a lacquered bowl,
Where a cold blue water-color stands
I see the wintry breakers roll
NOW the stars have faded
In the purple chill,
Lo, the sun is kindling
On the eastern hill.
ONCE more in misted April
The world is growing green.
Along the winding river
The plumey willows lean.
The lover of child Marjory
Had one white hour of life brim full;
Now the old nurse, the rocking sea,
Hath him to lull.
LORD, said a flying fish,
Below the foundations of storm
We feel the primal wish
To H. E. C.
THERE are sunflowers too in my garden on top of the hill,
Where now in the early September the sun has his will—
HERE by the gray north sea,
In the wintry heart of the wild,
Comes the old dream of thee,
Guendolen, mistress and child.
NOW the fire is lighted
On the chimney stone,
Day goes down the valley,
I am left alone.