Bloody Tristen Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Frightning Future

remember those days where you wished it would never end
and now it's the time you want to be rid

damned to hell

The Death Wish

a boy with a dog asked to meet death
everyone said he was foolish
and their was only one way to see him
but no one told him how

Killer In The Night

who's the quietly still night
but only a killer is present at sight
a killer of love, and joy, and wants a fight
he walks and walks and see's no light

Burning Ache

diese brennende Schmerzen habe ich über mein Herz
ist nur die Ursache meiner Seele zu zerreißen begann auseinander
Ich erinnere mich an die Notizen wir in der Klasse übergeben
und jetzt unsere Beziehung ist wie Glas zerbrochen

Love Is Dangerous

every year someone new comes into your desire
they cold be clean or dirty, but they ignite your fire
you ask and ask, but they say no
thats another mark of your own

Deathly Pain

needles fall from the sky above
As drops of blood rain down
the floor begins to rumble
As I slit apart my skin

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