Bob Gotti Poems

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Only One Spirit To Follow

Peace, says the young Believer, while there is no peace in his heart,
And when he's in a throng of True Believers, he only wants to depart.

If you're walking with The Lord, peace and joy will fill your heart,

Maybe You Should Seek His Face

He walks with me, The Lord above, and guides me with Grace and Love,
He walks with me every day and helps me through trials along the way.
He guides me with a loving hand helping with what I don't understand.
He helps each and every hour by filling me with His Grace and Power.

A Special Child Is Born

He was a very special child, who was born in a very miraculous way,
He was born of a virgin on what was otherwise a very ordinary day.

For He was conceived by The Holy Spirit inside his mother's womb,

I Have Been Saved

I have been saved; I have been saved, truly by a Holy Righteous God,
Given a new heart and a new life, to leave the path I once had trod.

For I was born with a heart of flesh that was truly tainted with sin,


Flowery words may tickle the ears; even delight the person who hears.
Flowery words are not what I choose, if you desire to just be amused.
For I am truly not a poet my friend, and poetry is not my ultimate end.
Poetry is simply my chosen venue, this to share God’s Truth with you.


At the times decisions must be had, we weigh the good and the bad.
Decisions not always cut and dry, being left too often to wonder why,
What decision bears more weight, on the scale that people call fate?
Why do these things happen to me, just what is it that I can not see?

Bends In The Road

As we journey down here to and fro, we never know where pathways go,
We can never see around the bend, to where that present path may end.
We can plan straight all our courses, as we rely upon our own resources,
In spite of all the time you spend, we never know what’s around the bend.

Friendship With The World

Friendship with this evil world turns your Love for God into hatred,
As one who is a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God instead.

We were bought out of this Market of Sin when Christ died and bled,

Living Higher

I need to live my life much higher, much higher than my former life.
To walk with Jesus is my desire, to walk each day like Jesus Christ.
And when I walk through the fire, to remember He was my sacrifice.
As at the time it was His desire, to pay for all men the ultimate price.

As The Spirit Fills

Verse by verse and line by line; The Spirit fills the heart and mind.
The Spirit moves on a scribe, to pen the words down deep inside.
God uses men to reach the world, with a message for us to herald.
Some may speak while other men, The Lord above uses their pen.

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