Bob Gotti Poems

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An Echoing Sadness

Sad is the word to best describe, this feeling I have echoing inside,
Even though Christ lives there, and I know that He really does care.
It is something that on the outside, that today I simply can not hide.
There is an absence of joy within, when I take my mind off of Him.

I Stand Redeemed

I stand Redeemed, for through The Blood of The Lord I was bought,
It was on The Cross of Christ that the war for my soul was fought.

He did not come for the righteous, but to seek and save all the lost,

Humble Servants

Seeking Christ with an open heart, is truly the only place to start,
As The Spirit dwells within, dismissing prenotions caused by sin.
Allowing the Spirit to have full reign, as God helps you to refrain,
From old habits of the past, while forming new ones that will last.

All Knowing

He is so big, we are so small, we are but men, He’s Lord of all,
Lord over the earth and skies, only by Him are men made wise.
We may live life as we please, but all that we do the Lord sees,
He’s omnipresent, everywhere, knowing all friendship we share.

Do You Know The Truth?

Know the Truth, it will set you free, Christ is that Truth, and It is He.
To know the Truth is personally, do you know The God of Eternity?
The real truth is more than fact; it is Our Lord, who is coming back.
Today are you free in The Truth, or will you see His strong reproof?

Work Prepared For Us

The Lord has work for all to do, prepared good works for me and you.
A work that is intended to Glorify, the One who on the cross had died.
Jesus’ work accomplished for all, man’s redemption from Adam’s fall.
Christ’s finished work for all of us, a work in which we place our trust.

Looking Forward To Tomorrow

Many things that demand our concern will shortly my friend be gone,
While in the fire they shall burn our life in Eternity shall go on.
The things upon this earth are fleeting, along with our earthly life,
And in the clouds at our meeting, Christ will end our earthly strife.

Under His Wings

Whatever, my way, this life brings, I am safely under His Wings,
Under the wings of my Lord, by Whom, my life is never ignored,
Safely under His wings of Love, as He protects me from above,
Through this life I can be sure, in my Lord, I am safe and secure.

Wisdom's Way

Wisdom is calling souls today, to come to God in Wisdom's way,
While Wisdom sends forth her call, upon this world, to every soul,
For Wisdom has prepared for us, a house built on Righteousness,
Built up with seven pillars strong; being complete for every throng.

So Many Need The Lord

There're so many who need The Lord, a truth by some that is ignored,
Even by those who claim to be, bought through the Blood of Calvary,
By God, for a purpose and a plan; to reach for The Savior every man,
From every tribe, tongue and nation, with the truth of God's Salvation.

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