Bootiful Kid

Bootiful Kid Poems

i miss you,
do you care,
can you bare,
the distance we must share,


We’ve known each other forever,
I no you like I no how to tie my shoe,
You’ve told me everything,
I lied to you,

You say this is your last kiss goodnight,
When you think like this you give me a fright,
I really do care,
But you can no longer bare,

i loved you,
you loved me,
people said we was meant to be,
i've been looking back


Why did you leave me,
I thought you cared about me,
You said you did,
You don’t lie to someone,


I hate you,
I said I would never say that to you,
I do,

if it were up to you
i'd be in my bed crying,
but because i'm happy,
inside you're dying,


daddy why are you leaving?
mummy's still screaming,
her eyes still gleaming,
she's crying,


How can you sleep at night,
I now no why she hates you,
I hate you to,
And I don’t want to see you again,

we used to be friends,
it was ment to be forever
forever, till the very end,
I still love you,

Pull these scars off my eyes
Lost from the world
A child searching for her dad

the blood stained carpet,
she no longer cares,
this life she had,
is no longer wanted,

i dont want to die,
i love you so,
i feel like i could fly,
in my old life i used to feel so low,


the hurt will never end,
bcos a shattered heart is hard to mend,
you said you loved me,
i must be stupid,


i turn and run,
bcos you did it all for fun,
i thought you loved me,
i honestly thought we were meant to be,

i turn and run,
bcos you did it all for fun,
i thought you loved me,
i honestly thought we were meant to be,


You don’t respect me,
I love another,
You still touch,
You still feel,

Bootiful Kid Biography

i've been writing since grade six... mostly about my thoughts and feelings.... if you like them great if you dont i really couldn't care less....)

The Best Poem Of Bootiful Kid

Sorry I'M Sorry

i miss you,
do you care,
can you bare,
the distance we must share,
i still love you,
yes i do,
sometimes i wanna die,
other times i just cry,
you're like my bro,
why i care for you so,
i dont no,
yet i'm glad you're in my life,
but i'm sorry i still
use my knife,
i cut,
i cry,
i even wanna die,
but since i met you,
i've been able to get through,
you care for me so,
the reasons... i dont no,
i've hurt you so many times,
why do you still stick round,
my life is bound,
all i wanna say is...
sorry i ever hurt you...
sorry for anything and everything,
i still care,
i waish i could share,
do you care,
if not...
i'll stop...

Bootiful Kid Comments

hey love, i love all your poems no matter what style they are! keep smiling!

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