Brady Morrison Poems

Hit Title Date Added
It Hurts

Why is it, when I close my eyes I cannot think?
Why is it, that when I sleep, I dream of nothing?
Why is it, when ever I'm lost I think of you.
When I see you, hear you, know your comming towards me I wait.

Just Like Me

I need a new life.
One that I can change.
One that makes me complete.
I need a new beginning.

Hallowed Eyes

Everyone has an eye colour.
It gives you your soul.
It allows you to be an individual, to the highest degree.

My 'Gift'

Everyone has a gift weither we know it or not.
Its what sets us apart from everyone else.
We all eventually will learn our gift, some sooner than others.

Beyond Repair

I'm at that point where you can't fix me.
I'm broken,
you did this to me.
You turned my fear to anger

Some Bestfriend - A Riped Up Poem From Long Ago -

You act like I'm your friend.
But you don't actually like me do you?
You put on a phoney smile.
Put on a phoney face.

Who Am I?

I'm being told to find who I am.
But what excatly does that mean?
I know what I like and what I like to do, isn't that enough?

What A Bestfriend Is

The person who makes you smile,
who cares about how you feel,
and actually shows it.

All Gone

I can't get away from all these people
Its like they know I'm living in fear
I'm scared to talk
I'm scared to breath, for as soon as I do they take that from me too.

Replaced And Forgotten

I've been replaced
By someone who I don't even know

I've been forgotten

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