Brevie Barina

Brevie Barina Poems

Oh True Love
Many seeks you, but less knows you
Many sacrifices just to find you
Many believed and searched tons of tips just to find you

The Best Poem Of Brevie Barina

True Love

Oh True Love
Many seeks you, but less knows you
Many sacrifices just to find you
Many believed and searched tons of tips just to find you
Many set standards just to have you
Many did everything they could
But only pains, hurts, sufferings they've found
Only few found you because only few believes you and accepts you
They search you but does'nt know you
They search you but they rejects you
You are the true love
Jesus Christ is our true love
Jesus Christ alone can complete us
He is the source of true love
If you seek true love seek Jesus Christ
How can you find true love if you don't seek the source of it
It is as if your expecting banana tree togive you apple fruit
Don't be fool only Jesus Christ the true love completes us not anything or anyone else

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Bhagabat Prasad Hotta 30 October 2018


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