brokewings hetzler

brokewings hetzler Poems


every night i drive home this pain that i feel
gets stronger and stronger
i shout out loud calling my dads name for what he had to me
breaking me apart from everything

The Best Poem Of brokewings hetzler


every night i drive home this pain that i feel
gets stronger and stronger
i shout out loud calling my dads name for what he had to me
breaking me apart from everything
banging on my stiering wheel saying that its his fault
for messing my life up
tossing me away from his life
i feel unwanted mistreated like im a nobody
i try to stay strong but every now or then it comes back
i lay in bed crying wishing that its just a dream and its not real
this pain that is inside me deep i sometime feel like giving up everything.
i have lost my relationship with my dad and i get jelouse when i see daughters with there father
it hurts me inside so much i try fake that im not in pain i force myself to be happy but one think that im scared of is finding out that my dad is gone for good

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