Brooklyn Wilkerson

Brooklyn Wilkerson Poems

Creeping in the night
Silent as the wind
Loud as thunder,
Raise my fright

Brooklyn Wilkerson Biography

Im unknown Youll never know me Im scared Im happy Im sad im tall Im short Im a blonde Im a brown head Youll never know me)

The Best Poem Of Brooklyn Wilkerson


Creeping in the night
Silent as the wind
Loud as thunder,
Raise my fright
You invade my mind,
A dark shadow you are,
A helpless creature by far,
Creeping through the window
Dressed in my emotions
The room gets colder
Please close the window.

You say your my friend
The lies that has been
The anxiety that pours on me,
Not letting me stop to catch my breath
Your silent but deadly
Oh so loud and heavy
The rooms gets colder
Please close the window.

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