Cardel Hunte Poems

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he can tell no lies he can't hurt a soul his mission is just to display what he is shown some say he's a liar, some says he's a fraud but i know the truth he's just what we

Sweet Tea Or Coffee

No you weren't born with the intent to kill
or the intent to save a life
the thoughts of suicide
or the thoughts of sharing joy


The Eyes

I Want To Be An Angel

I want to be an angel, to soar with glory i want to be an angel, that loves caringly i must be like a candle that never dies, my wings must ride above the skies, my eyes like gold shining upon your heart,

Shout Loud Enough

If you shout loud enough
They'll hear you
They'll finally look down and see you,
If they could only see how long and hard you've been trying


It pains to know, how hard it is to be tho one dying of this this heart aching sensation, no pleasure or relaxation it hurts my brain, it burns my mouth no scraps or food about, i long for bread i thirst


The Wrong Way To Go

I was on meh way to dee nearest club, bar or someplace to hang when this voice whisper to me that i goin wrong, but nevamind that i was determined to have some fun until i look up and there was no sun, but neva mind that dee club was right eound dee turn until i see the preacha comin in me direction, so i start holdin mah head and cryin out foh pain so when he ask i'll say a terrible migrane.


He hovers over like a dark shadow, seeking whom to take with him those whose lives are in peril, they are his type of open the gates of eternity and throw their soul's in.that's his one and only task to serve and honor his name.... death

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