Carmela Patterson Poems

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WıDe Awake At Two

When one is wide awake at two in the morning
What does one do as the rains begin pouring?
Does one toss and turn or fret and burn
Or come downstairs and discern

What Do You Want Of Me, My Child?

When I knock on your heart you do not answer
When I speak to your soul you do not listen
It is to other gods you are a ready dancer
Yet you take on....the name of Christian.

Until Thou Callest Me

When I lift my eyes, my heart and my soul
In prayer to Thee, my God
I know Thy Presence is attending
As my soul seems to be ascending

When Is It Over?

When is it over you ask questioning soul?
It's not over until you reach the Ultimate Goal.
The road is rough, the waters run deep;
The roads are rugged, the mountains steep.

' Thy Love I Have Sought '

For Thou alone my heart sings
O Lord of Lords, King of Kings;
How can I love Thee as I ought~
Thy love I have so long sought.

Wayward Soul

O wayward soul where are you going?
What heavy crosses are you towing?
Into the wind are your dreams blowing?
Do you think that you are all-knowing?

You Showed Me A Chasm

O Lord, you showed me a deep dark chasm
Between good and evil this very morning.
Then I heard you bid me ' spread the warning.'

Watch For Me

My people you crucify Me still when you forget Me!
You give Me not a thought; you grieve Me.
When will you see; when will you hear?
When will you realize I am very near?

Who Of Us?

Who of us can love the Lord as we ought?
Many are the issues with which we are fraught
In the snares of satan we can be caught,
But through Jesus we are Blood-bought.

Wake Up !

The darkness of the earliest dawn awakens me this morn
A call to pray for someone in need, a person in pain;
I hear a bird chirping loudly as if trumpeting his own horn
Telling me my early morning prayer is someone else's gain.

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