Cathy Smith

Cathy Smith Poems

one droplet at a time
began to fall on
a leaf bouncing up
and down

peaceful, just like real soft light
right before the full sunrise.
like a slow touching warmth
on my bared shoulder

that same day i thought
i caught you hanging up on
the telephone and bought you
some flowers to tell you that i knew

the cat
and the splattering raindrops
leaped about like they
were scattering the threads

it is towards evening
when i finally realize
that the day is like the
evergreen: dark and light

forest in a field
staring wide-eyed still

The Best Poem Of Cathy Smith

Green Rain

one droplet at a time
began to fall on
a leaf bouncing up
and down

i was sitting underneath
the foliage in the rain
watching the rivulets
trace new streams down
through the moss and
small plants and
green ferns
i shivered
from the cold rain
the arms of the forest

formed a secret
umbrella dancing
like leafy
piano keys playing
and also
bowing singly
over my head

wet, green fingers
the lush downfall became
in its connection with
the player piano
leaves, which
appeared above -
all at once - high across
the upper boughs
of the waving branches
of a large pine tree

leaves fell in the wind
and stuck on
the tree trunk above me like
the little green
of a toad

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