Cesar Esquiagola

Cesar Esquiagola Poems

The heart is a frail and delicate thing,
Yet can give you, your boldest-bold in dire times...
But your darkest depression in times of heedence.

The Best Poem Of Cesar Esquiagola

The Heart

The heart is a frail and delicate thing,
Yet can give you, your boldest-bold in dire times...
But your darkest depression in times of heedence.

Would one without these feelings, be of understanding with others?
Often of question, curious and courageous...
Same as a child that is exploring with courage, but remains

The heart...
Known as your boldest-bold, your darkest depression, your
cautiousness, and your courage...
But will always remain frail and delicate...
Yet as the one who may bare a heart, it is up to you to build
it up.

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