Chad Fields614

Chad Fields614 Poems

The Battle Within

On the surface, it's calm

The Best Poem Of Chad Fields614

The Battle Within

The Battle Within

On the surface, it's calm
There's no way to see.
This ferocious battle
That's happening inside of me.

It's waged every day,
inside of my head.
The only rest the two sides get
Is when I go to bed.

It starts every morning
as my eyes are unfurled.
Like the war of independence
with the shot heard round the world.

Each side will win it's battles.
But the war will never end.
If you've never lived for Jesus.
This is hard to comprehend.

Battle lines seem so entangled;
A right and wrong woven mesh.
On one side my conscience,
The other side my Flesh.

The two once wed together,
In a hellish harmony.
Now the one hates the other,
And my testimony.

Like a Colonel in the battle,
I am thrilled with each success.
Then stung with regret and sorrow
Everytime that I transgress.

I'm afraid until the rapture,
Christian friend this is our plight.
So put on your full armour
Jump in and join the fight.

Just remember our enemy
Is not from Iraq or Berlin
The biggest enemy You'll face
Is wrapped in your own skin.

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