chanan cli

chanan cli Poems

The night is bright.
Its time for the yellow plate to illuminate the sky.
Oh, today in full shall you glow.

We need poison
For the antidote
To reduce toxin
Diseases are dote

Only imagination do tell.
What put man in life-time sleep?
Those awake dry inside with tears outside.
Those awake with mouth open ready to yell.

Owning what is not yours to keep
And keeping what is not yours to own,
Is the definition or avariciousness
That reverts the path of righteousness.

Friends and enemies.
Friends are enemies.
What is the difference,
Between friends

chanan cli Biography

I am a poet, a rapper and I love hardcore HipHop music and soul-black.I graduated from the University of Port Harcourt where I studied Geography and Environmental Management.I write short stories, lil books for fun and hope to write for fund.Love all creative Art...that's what I love more than everything on earth...So many more abstract things about me that I can't start explaining..etc

The Best Poem Of chanan cli

Wet Moon

The night is bright.
Its time for the yellow plate to illuminate the sky.
Oh, today in full shall you glow.

Roll away ye clouds,
So i can see clear.
I can see it dancing on the the water surface.

It is dry and rough.
I can see it dance wet, smooth and soft.
While i write this poem.

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