Chance Godwin

Chance Godwin Poems

When the grass was closely mown,
Walking on the lawn alone, In thea hole I found
A hidden solider underground Under grass alone he lies,
Looking up with hidden eyes, A red coat and pointed gun

The Best Poem Of Chance Godwin

A Lost Solider

When the grass was closely mown,
Walking on the lawn alone, In thea hole I found
A hidden solider underground Under grass alone he lies,
Looking up with hidden eyes, A red coat and pointed gun
To the stars and to the sun. When the lawn is mowed clear,
Then my hole should reappear. I will find him withno fear,
I will find my solider with no career But, for all that and come
I will find my soldier dumb. He has lived, a little thing, "
In the grassy woods of spring He has seen the starry hours
And the springing of the flowersAnd the scary things that pass
In the forests of the grass. Not a word will he disclose, Not a word of all he knows.He doesn't think he can, because he has no fam, as I wrote this poem about a lost soldier, I'm feeling a lot older

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