Chantelle Fazzalori

Chantelle Fazzalori Poems

The glistening sun
shining up high in
the bright blue sky

Feeling the cool breeze blowing through my hair it guides me to show me my past and future

leaves fall from above leaf by leaf

Watching the train pass by its passangers smile bright knowing how far the train will travel through australian lands

dry grass swoosh in the trains mist
dust fly high in the sky

Chantelle Fazzalori Biography

i am an nursing student i have love for poems, books, art, and history i am an Australian Aboriginal cross Italian most people call me Woggariginal i fell in love with books at an young age. i also fell in love with poems last year when i was doing a project on Charlotte Bronte and Lord Alfred Tennyson.. All and All i really love Art and literature.. xxx)

The Best Poem Of Chantelle Fazzalori

My Special Place

The glistening sun
shining up high in
the bright blue sky

feeling the heat on my skin
the wind swaying through my hair
moving me left to right

i sit on a rock kicking my legs
high and low

'oh my place my special place
through the bush you are my special place'

thou i sit undder mother tree
i hear the branches squeak
as those of force

thought over wealms me os such beauty and grace
green surrounds mother tree
her branches are long
she stands with much posture

mother's leaves falls from above
thou she is beautiful
she her faults

'oh my place my special place
through the bush you are my special place'

wind whistles through mother trees breisles
why'o'why shall i come to such place?

trees that surrounds mother tree
smells as necture it gives me so much pleasure

my place my special place

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