Charles Kingsley Poems

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The Ugly Princess

My parents bow, and lead them forth,
For all the crowd to see-
Ah well! the people might not care

A New Forest Ballad

Oh she tripped over Ocknell plain,
And down by Bradley Water;
And the fairest maid on the forest side


Wearily stretches the sand to the surge, and the surge to the cloudland;
Wearily onward I ride, watching the water alone.

The Dead Church

Wild wild wind, wilt thou never cease thy sighing?
Dark dark night, wilt thou never wear away?
Cold cold church, in thy death sleep lying,

The Summer Sea

Soft soft wind, from out the sweet south sliding,
Waft thy silver cloud webs athwart the summer sea;

The Knight's Return

Hark! hark! hark!
The lark sings high in the dark.
The were wolves mutter, the night hawks moan,
The raven croaks from the Raven-stone;

On The Death Of Leopold: King Of The Belgians

A King is dead! Another master mind
Is summoned from the world-wide council hall.
Ah, for some seer, to say what links behind-

Juventus Mundi

List a tale a fairy sent us
Fresh from dear Mundi Juventus.
When Love and all the world was young,
And birds conversed as well as sung;

The Find

Yon sound's neither sheep-bell nor bark,
They're running-they're running, Go hark!
The sport may be lost by a moment's delay;

Christmas Day

How will it dawn, the coming Christmas Day?
A northern Christmas, such as painters love,
And kinsfolk, shaking hands but once a year,

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